30 5

茜草科水杨梅属Adina rubella Hance   别名:水石榴,小叶团花,白消木,鱼串鳃
24th Aug. 2008  宁波 姚江公园

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待鉴种的植物     13rd Aug. 2008   宁波 东钱湖

16 8
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Dingle, 这个被美国《国家地理》称之为"地球上最美丽的地方",让我充满了期待。星期五的下午,边处理着一大堆让人昏昏欲睡的Invoices,边想象Dingle的悬崖峭壁。好不容易等到那仿佛停滞了的挂钟指针爬到5点钟的方位,哈,下班了。出发!
16 8
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1.埃菲尔铁塔 Tour Eiffel
2.奥赛美术馆 Musée d'Orsay
3.歌剧院 Opéra
16 8
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1.卢浮宫 Palais Royal Musée du Louvre
2.蓬皮杜中心 Centre Pompidou
3.红磨坊 Moulin Rouge
4.埃菲尔铁塔 Tour Eiffel
16 8
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1.枫丹白露 Fontainebleau
2.老佛爷百货 La Fayette
15 8
Title: Mum
Date: 17 July 2004
Locus: Home, Dublin 7

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28 12
28 12
28 12
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An oil painting creation of Gui Fei Zui Jiu (drunken imperial concubine)
by China's rising oil painting artist Liu Linghua is displayed as part of
a luxurious products exhibition in Guangzhou, South China's
Guangdong Province December 7, 2006. The creation is priced
at 10 million yuan (US$1,250,000).
13 12
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This is NOT an EddyKong.com design work. Copyright reserved by author.
11 12
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This is NOT an EddyKong.com design work. Copyright reserved by author.
18 3
Dublin, 17th Mar. 2006

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21 5
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Internet Vibes网址 http://internetvibes.net
18 5
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We are very glad to inform you that we have identified the web sites you referred to NWP. Now you have become NWP's web designer. We will save your information for one year.
At the same time you can amend your information on line. Thank you for your application again. We hope we will receive more and better web-site designs of yours in the future.
NewWebPick 网址 http://www.newwebpick.com
4 1
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2.宾馆Check In
3.巴黎圣母院 Notre-Dame
4.凯旋门 Arc de Triomphe
5.香榭丽舍 Avenue des Champs-Elysees
6 12
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31 10
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Self-Portrait in a Fur-Trimmed Coat


Tags: ,
21 10
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Tags: ,
14 10

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12 9
Title Chief
Date 11 Sep 2004
Locus Dublin

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8 9
Title: Roaming
Date: 7 Sep 2004
Locus: Dublin

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31 8
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Your site "Kongyang" (http://www.kongyang.com) has been awarded with a"plasticpilots award" by our jury.You have received this email because this address was used when the site"Kongyang" was submitted for an award at plasticpilots.com. This is a one timemessage only!We would be happy to meet you on our forums and we are glad to have you among our pilots.
27 8
16 8
Title: Dublin Port
Date: 15 Aug 2004
Locus: Dublin Port

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